09:00 |
Opening Address
Prof. Akram Soliman Elselmy
Head, Organizing Committee Dean, Port Training Institute. Prof. Ismail Abdel-Ghafar Ismail Farag Conference Chairman President, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport. H.E. Dr. Abdul Aziz Qansua Governor of Alexandria. H.E. Dr. Dina El-Zaher Head of Transport & Tourism, the League of Arab States. H. E. Admiral Mohab Mameesh Chairman, the Suez Canal Economic Zone and the Suez Canal Authority. H.E. Lieutenant General Kamel El-Wazir Minister of Transport. |
10:00 |
Recognition of Instrumental Figures.
10:15 |
Signing numbers of memorandum of understanding between Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport and International Organizations.
10:30 |
Opening of the Exhibition of Marine Equipment & Services.
11:20 |
Sustainable Investment Projects: Flemish Legal Methodology for partnerships: ECA-Case
Eng. Greet Bernaers
Managing Director of Infrastructure, Antwerp Port Authority, Belgium. |
11:40 |
Achieving the SDG's (Sustainable Development Goals) Through Port Activity
Mrs. Silvia Gambao
Head of Sustainability & Environment, APM Terminals, Moin, Costa Rica. |
12:00 |
Aqaba: A Proven Record of Success in Sustainable Investment Projects
H. E. Dr. Hussein Elsouob
Former Minister of Transport,Chairman, Arab Bridge Maritime Company, Jordan. |
12:20 |
Optimization of Completing Documents on the Introduction of the National Single Window, Case of Maritime Transport Slovenia
Ms. Simona Šinko, Dr. Luka Herman, Prof. Tomaž Kramberger
Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor, Slovenia. |
13:10 |
Digital Revolution and Open Data in Maritime Business
Eng. Mohamed Farag
Co-Founder, Ship Hub Mobile Application, Alexandria, Egypt. |
13:30 |
Medport/Smart port
Dr. Philippe Guillaumet
General Secretary, MEDports Association, International and European Projects Manager, Port of Marseille-Fos Authority, France. |
13:50 |
Developing a Maritime Big Data Management Architecture, Using Information Entropy
Dr. Khaled EL-Sakty
Dean, College of International Transport and Logistics, Cairo, AASTMT, Egypt. |
14:10 |
A Digital Twin for Supporting Energy Management in Complex Maritime Terminals
Prof. Lorenzo Damiani, Prof. Roberto Revetria and Prof. Emanuele Morra
Head, Student Orientation Committee, University of Genoa, Italy. |
14:30 |
Autonomous Ship Management and Port Operations
Dr. Tor Erik Jensen
Department of Maritime operations, Faculty of Technology, University College of Southeast Norway, Norway. |
09:00 |
Greening the Shipping Industry: Perspectives and Challenges of the Main Environmental-Friendly Practices Taking Over the Maritime Industry
Dr. Patrizia Serra
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Transportation sector, University of Cagliari, Italy. |
09:20 |
Port Environmental Management - Bridging the Gap Between Policy and Practice
Dr. Christopher Wooldridge, Dr. Elsenousy Balbaa
Science Coordinator, EcoPorts, European Sea Ports Organization, Senior Trainer, ECO Sustainable Logistic Chain Foundation, UK. |
09:40 |
Factors Influencing the Purchasing Decisions of Electric Cars - Case of Slovenia
Prof. Matjaž Knez, Prof. Bojan Rosi, and Dr. Matevz Obrecht
Vice Dean for Economic Affairs, Faculty of Logistics - University of Maribor, Slovenia. |
10:00 |
Black Carbon and its Correlation with Traffic
Prof. Borut Jereb, Mr. Gregor Šipek, Ms. Špela Kovše
Vice Dean for Quality and international Operation, Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor, Slovenia. |
10:20 |
Biological Removal of Heavy Metal Pollution from Wastewater
Dr. Mona Kaamoush
Researcher at the Environmental and Crises Management Department, Simulator Complex, AASTMT, Egypt. |
11:00 |
Opportunities and Challenges Facing the Arab Maritime Transportation System
Adm. Hatem El-Kady
Chairman, Arab Maritime Federation, Egypt. |
11:20 |
Valencia-port Cluster Innovation Plan for 2025
Mr. Antonio Torregrosa Maicas
General Manager, Valencia Port Foundation, Spain. |
11:40 |
Corporate Governance, Port Investment and the Realization of Egypt Vision 2030
Dr. Karim Sorour
Associate Professor and Head of Accounting Subject, Northumbria University, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. |
12:00 |
Economic Impacts of Acquisition & Merger of ship buildings & ship yard Companies
Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Ameen, Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Badran, and Dr. Moataz Fathi
Accounting and Finance Lecturer, Suez Canal Company for Financial Consulting and Training Services (SCCO), Egypt. |
12:50 |
The Role of IMO in the Implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Mr. Juvenal Shiundu
Acting Director, Technical Cooperation Division, IMO, UK. |
13:10 |
The New Maritime Phenomena
Mr. Alessandro Panaro
Head of Maritime & Mediterranean Economy Department, Italian Research Center for Economic Studies, Italy. |
13:30 |
Benchmarking the Technical Efficiency of the Egyptian and Libyan Container Ports
Mr. Ahmed Ismail and Capt. Abdulla Wanis
Department of Post-graduate Studies, Deanery of Admission and Registration,Arab Academy for Science Technology and Maritime Transport, Egypt. |
13:50 |
International Trade and the Maritime shipping: is there a chance for us?
Dr. Zeinab Mohamed Nawar
Lecturer of Economics, The British University, Cairo, Egypt. |
14:10 |
Assessing the predictive ability of models for Predicting Financial Distress :"An Analytical Study for cargo Transport Sector in Egypt"
Prof. Mohamed Ali and Dr.Madyha Metwally
Ph.D, Business Administration, Faculty Member, Faculty of Management, Modern University for Technology and Information, Cairo, Egypt. |
09:00 |
Performance Assessment of Alternative Mediterranean Transport Networks by Combining KPIs and Factor-Cluster Analysis
Dr. Patrizia Serra, Dr. Fadda Paolo, and Dr. Gianfranco Fancello
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Transportation sector, University of Cagliari, Italy. |
09:20 |
Port Choice Problem and Hinterlands
Prof. Tomaž Kramberger, Prof. Ken Button, Prof. Bojan Rupnik
Vice Dean for Scientific Research, Faculty of Logistics - University of Maribor, Slovenia. |
09:40 |
The perspective for Mediterranean container ports in a new global scenario
Dr. Gianfranco Fancello
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture Department, Transportation Sector, University of Cagliari. General Manager, Centre of Excellence for Transport of the Sardinia region, Italy. |
10:00 |
Prospect Investments in Logistics and Supply Chain Technology
Prof. Islam El-Nakib
Deputy President for Logistics and Transport Affairs, Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, AASTMT, Egypt. |
10:50 |
The Human Element: Our Most Important Resource
Prof. Irene Rosberg
Program Director, Executive MBA in Shipping and Logistics, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. |
11:10 |
Human Capital - Toward Ensuring Port Sustainability
Capt. Razali bin Yaacob
Chairman, the Netherlands Maritime Institute, Malaysia. |
11:30 |
Maritime And Logistics Perspectives on Short Sea Shipping Sustainable Solutions To Road Congestion
Prof. Angelica M. Baylon, and Dr. Cristina Dragomir
Director for External Relations, Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific, Philippines. |
12:20 |
Smart Ports and Digitization
Eng. Marco Politi
Vice President of Sales, DBA GROUP, Italy. |
12:40 |
Blockchain Potential For Logistics And Maritime Transport
Dr. Maha Diwan
Consultant, SAP, Egypt. |
13:00 |
Impact of IoT and Industry 4.0 on Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Prof. Amr Eltawil
Dean, School of Innovative Design Engineering, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology, Egypt. |
14:00 |
Keynote Speech
Prof. Ismail Abd El-Ghafar Ismail Farag
President, AASTMT, Conference Chairman |
14:15 |
Proposed Recommendations
Prof. Ehab Mahmoud El Kassas
Vice Conference Chairman, Dean, MRCC |
14:30 |
Recognition of Speakers and Sessions’ Chairmen
Global Trends of Berth Depths for different facilities
Thoria Abo Zied
Suez Canal economic authority, North Sector |
Impact of Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices on Eyptian Seaports Performance
Ola Mamdouh Mahmoud Hamdy
Faculty of Business Administration Economics and Political Science, the British University in Egypt |
Navigation Channel Problems Due to Sedimentation
Mohsen M. Ezzeldin, Osami S. Rageh and MahmoudE. Saad
Irrigation and Hydraulics, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt. |
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